High efficiency, high quality cutting improves productivity
X, Y, and Z axial slideways
Each axial slideway is a highly rigid angular guide surface which is great at absorbing vibrations to enable the machining of high-grade surfaces.
VAC Built-in motor spindle
The spindle is supported by ceramic angular bearings and roller bearings, ensuring low heat and low vibration even during high-speed operation for long periods of time.
The machine is also driven by a built-in motor that provides smooth, quiet rotational control from low to high speeds.
項目 | 単位 | MILLAC 44V Ⅱ | |
作業面の大きさ | mm | 630×400 |
最大積載質量 | kg | 250 | |
回転速度 | min-1 | 12.000 |
テーパ穴 | No.40 | ||
最大トルク | N・m | 73.4/45.6 (15%ED/連続) |
送り速度 | 早送り速度 | m/min | X、Y、Z:50 |
電動機 | 主軸用電動機 | kW | 15/11 (25%ED/連続) |
ATC | 工具収納本数 | 本 | 16 (24) |
機械の高さ | mm | 2.400 |
所要床面の大きさ | mm | OSP:1,600×3,440 FANUC:1,600×3,320 |
制御装置 | OSP/FANUC |