
Nikken is a general manufacturer of machine tool-related equipment and tools used for machining in industries such as automotive, aircraft, and ultra-precision machinery.

Yukiwa’s product lineup includes drill chucks, keyless chucks, collet chucks, tooling systems, index tables, and CNC rotary tables.

Tsudakoma’s NC rotary tables and machine vices are used in a wide range of fields from familiar products such as automobiles and smartphones, to parts for large-scale equipment in the aircraft and energy industries, and even medical care.
Teikoku Chuck

Teikoku Chuck is second to none when it comes to special chucks.
The company manufactures the widest array of design chucks in Japan. This general chuck producer is blazing a path for manufacturing in the new century.

Kitagawa is a manufacture that is expanding into various fields, including machine tool equipment such as chucks and NC rotary tables for lathes, construction machinery, industrial machinery, machine tools, castings, residential buildings, and multi-story parking garages.

Nabeya is a manufacturer of jigs and machine vices. Since it was founded in 1560, Nabeya has continually embraced new technology and perspectives to provide society with high-quality products required by the times, such as jigs and machine vices.