Horizontal parallel 2-spindle CNC lathe  2SP-2500H / 2SP-150H
Horizontal parallel 2-spindle CNC lathe  2SP-2500H / 2SP-150H
Horizontal parallel 2-spindle CNC lathe  2SP-2500H / 2SP-150H
Horizontal parallel 2-spindle CNC lathe  2SP-2500H / 2SP-150H
Horizontal parallel 2-spindle CNC lathe
2SP-2500H / 2SP-150H

The machine structure makes possible high-speed loading and powerful machining. The workpiece load/unload time has been reduced to 4 seconds, and the line takt time from machining to workpiece transport has been minimized. The moving components (headstock and turret) are also positioned over rigid slideways. Powerful, accurate machining is achieved through a machine structure that is ideal for mass production.

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項目 単位 2SP-2500H 2SP-150H
標準チャックサイズ inch 8 6
最大加工径 ømm 200(本機能力:410) 150(本機能力:220)
最大加工長 mm 120(本機能力:200) 80(本機能力:150)
主軸回転速度 min-1 5.000 4.500
刃物台形式   左右:V12 左右:V12
主電動機 kW 15/11 (20分/連続) 11/7.5(30分/連続)×2
機械の大きさ(W×D×H) mm 2,200×2,734(本機のみ)×3,257(ローダ最大高さ) 1,850×2,150(本機のみ)×2,648(状態表示灯含む)
仕様展開   M M
数値制御装置   OSP / FANUC OSP / FANUC
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